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Overview of Databases

In the world of Rocket, databases serve as the foundation of projects, encompassing everything, including tables, data, APIs, and their respective documentation.

Let's explore the essential functionalities and features of databases within Rocket:

Understanding the Database Dashboard

The Database Dashboard serves as the central hub for overseeing all databases available under an account. It presents a comprehensive list of all databases, along with various details and information pertaining to each individual database entry.

Database Dashboard comprises four key components:

Space Shuttle
  • Database Details: Displays fundamental information about the database.
  • Database Actions/Indicators: Provides action buttons and indicators for database management, including indicators for API Key, RocketAuth, Selected Database, and buttons for API editing, and deleting databases.
  • Database Usage Chart: Illustrates database usage through three distinct charts, representing total table usage, total data usage, and overall database usage.
  • Database Usage: Presents an overview of database usage in percentage.

Database Operations

Here is a list of different operations supported by Rocket.

  • Creating Databases: Refer to the documentation on Creating Databases for detailed instructions.
  • Editing Databases: Access guidance on Editing Databases to learn about modifying database configurations.
  • Deleting Databases: Follow the instructions outlined in Deleting Databases to remove databases from your Rocket account.

Field Rules

The table below outlines the field rules for database configuration:

FieldDescriptionData TypeMinimum LengthMaximum LengthValid OptionsDefault ValueIs OptionalExtra Details
NameName of the Databasestring225--NoNeeded to be a valid entity name
DescriptionDescription of the Databaselarge-text2255--No-
TagsTags for categorizing databasesstring[]225--NoMinimum 1 tag, maximum 5 tags
VersionVersion of the databasestring225--No-
StageStage of the databasestring--'dev', 'qa', 'test', 'prod', 'stage'-No-
Enable API Key AuthEnable API Key authentication for the databaseboolean--true, falsetrueNo-
UsernameUsername for database accessstring225--YesMandatory when API Key auth is enabled
PasswordPassword for database accessstring225--YesMandatory when API Key auth is enabled
Enable RocketAuthEnable RocketAuth authentication for the databaseboolean--true, falsetrueNo-

These field rules provide comprehensive guidelines for configuring databases within Rocket.