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Overview of Databases

In the realm of Rocket, databases serve as the foundation of projects, encompassing a diverse array of elements, including tables, data, APIs, and their respective documentation.

Let's explore the essential functionalities and features of databases within Rocket:

Understanding the Database Dashboard

The Database Dashboard serves as the central hub for overseeing all databases within the system. It presents a comprehensive list of all databases, along with various details and information pertaining to each individual database entry.

Database Dashboard comprises four key components:

Space Shuttle
  • Database Details: Displays fundamental information about the database.
  • Database Actions: Provides action buttons for database management, including options for locking/unlocking, selecting, editing, and deleting databases.
  • Database Usage Chart: Illustrates database usage through three distinct charts, representing total table usage, total data usage, and overall database usage.
  • Database Usage: Presents an overview of database usage in percentage.

Database Operations

Here is a list of different operations supported by Rocket.

  • Creating Databases: Refer to the documentation on Creating Databases for detailed instructions.
  • Editing Databases: Access guidance on Editing Databases to learn about modifying database configurations.
  • Deleting Databases: Follow the instructions outlined in Deleting Databases to remove databases from your Rocket account.

Field Rules

The table below outlines the field rules for database configuration:

FieldDescriptionData TypeMinimum LengthMaximum LengthValid OptionsDefault ValueIs OptionalExtra Details
NameName of the Databasestring225--No-
DescriptionDescription of the Databaselarge-text2255--No-
TagsTags for categorizing databasesstring[]225--NoMinimum 1 tag, maximum 5 tags
VersionVersion of the databasestring225--No-
StageStage of the databasestring--'dev', 'qa', 'test', 'prod', 'stage'-No-
Enable Basic AuthEnable basic authentication for the databaseboolean--true, false-No-
UsernameUsername for database accessstring225--YesMandatory when basic auth is enabled
PasswordPassword for database accessstring225--YesMandatory when basic auth is enabled

These field rules provide comprehensive guidelines for configuring databases within Rocket.