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Understanding Attributes

Attributes are pivotal to Rocket's functionality, dictating API creation and defining operational behavior. Rocket offers support for a diverse array of attributes configurations, facilitating API creation and management.

Data Types Supported by Attributes

Rocket supports various data types to cater to diverse application requirements:

Data TypeDescriptionLength Constraints
IntegerThis data type facilitates the storage of numeric values, encompassing both positive and negative integers, as well as decimal numbers.
BooleanBoolean values, representing "true" and "false,"
StringSimple text strings, with length constraints for validation.Min Length: 0, Max Length: 255
Large-TextFor extensive textual content, with length restrictions for validation.Min Length: 0, Max Length: 4096
ArrayArrays enable the storage of multiple items within a single attribute.Min Array Length: 0, Max Array Length: 100
EnumA specialized data type that allows variables to hold predefined constants.
DateDate data type offers support for storing date values.
Date-TimeDate-Time type support both date and time values.

Optional and Unique Attribute Considerations

Attributes within Rocket can be designated as optional or unique, influencing their behavior:

  • Optional Attributes: When marked as optional, attributes accept null values.
  • Unique Attributes: Marking an attribute as unique ensures that only distinct values are accepted, preventing duplication.

Attribute Operations

Indexable Attributes

Designating an attribute as indexable empowers Rocket to automatically generate APIs for data retrieval based on that attribute. In cases where the attribute isn't unique, multiple data rows may be retrieved.

For example, if "id" serves as an indexable attribute within a table, Rocket generates an API endpoint as /{databaseId}/{tableId}/id/{attributeValue}.

Searchable Attributes

Attributes marked as searchable prompt Rocket to create APIs facilitating data searches using the specified attribute.

For instance, selecting the "name" attribute results in an API endpoint of the format /{databaseId}/{tableId}/search/name?query={attributeValue}, allowing for targeted data searches.

Sortable Attributes

Attributes identified as sortable enable data sorting functionalities within Rocket. This inclusion prompts the addition of optional sorting query parameters to all generated GET APIs.

Editable Attributes

Determining if an attribute can be utilized for data updating, the editable attribute's presence influences API generation. In cases where uniqueness isn't assured, updates may affect multiple data rows.

APIs are structured as follows: PUT /{databaseId}/{tableId}/{attributeName}/{attributeValue}.

Deletable Attributes

Indicating whether an attribute can be employed for data deletion, the deletable attribute plays a pivotal role in API construction. Should uniqueness not be guaranteed, deletions may impact multiple data rows.

APIs adhere to the format: DELETE /{databaseId}/{tableId}/{attributeName}/{attributeValue}.